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Nombre | Título | Desde | Hasta |
Russell Sachs | - | 2016 | Ahora |
Biografía | Russell is an independent CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® practitioner, also known as a CFP® practitioner and has been practicing since 1 August 1990. The CFP® designation is the highest professional designation one can achieve within financial planning. Russell is a member of the professional body of financial planning, the Financial Planning Institute of South Africa (FPI). He joined Roxburgh Trust in 2003 as a director and full partner. Russell believes in implementing a holistic approach towards Lifetime Financial Planning and when providing financial guidance. This approach involves a process that evaluates the client’s financial needs, objectives and desires in all areas of life and he makes use of the acclaimed Spotlight analysis software to provide comprehensive financial planning reports. Russell takes on client portfolios and wealth management with extreme personal interest and attention to detail. He has a personal interest in wealth and asset management and the market factors affecting his clients’ portfolios. |
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