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Bancos Centrales del Mundo

Acceda a los bancos centrales

Listado de Países:

  Nombre Tasa actual País
Banco Nacional de Tayikistán (NBT)

The National Bank of Tajikistan is central issuance reserve bank of the Republic of Tajikistan and it is ownership of the Republic of Tajikistan. The National Bank of...

13%  Tayikistán
Banco de la Reserva Nacional de Tonga (NRBT)

The National Reserve Bank of Tonga is the central bank of Tonga. The Reserve Bank is responsible for regulating the issue and supply of domestic and international...

0%  Tonga
Banco Central de Trinidad y Tobago

The Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago was established by an Act of Parliament on December 12, 1964. Since that time the Central Bank has been instrumental in the...

3.5%  Trinidad y Tobago
Banco Central de Turkmenistán

The Central Bank of Turkmenistan is the national bank of Turkmenistan. It is located 2 kilometres south of the centre of Ashgabat and is operated by the government. It...

0%  Turkmenistán
Banco Central de la República de Turquía (CBRT)

The Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey is the central bank of Turkey and is founded as a joint stock company with the exclusive right to issue banknotes in Turkey....

45.00%  Turquía
Banco Central de Túnez

The Central Bank of Tunisia's general assignment is to preserve price stability. In this respect the bank is notably in charge of : * Watching over the monetary policy...

6.75%  Túnez
Banco Nacional de Ucrania (NBU)

The National Bank of Ukraine is a legal entity with separated property, which is the object of the state property. Its authorized capital amounts to UAH 10 million and is...

14.50%  Ucrania
Banco de Uganda (BOU)

The Central Bank of Uganda is 100% owned by the Government of Uganda, but is not a government department. Although it conducts it's activities in close association with...

9.75%  Uganda
Banco Central del Uruguay (BCU)

The Central Bank of Uruguay (1967) issues currency (the Uruguayan peso), regulates foreign exchange, and oversees the country’s private banks.

9.25%  Uruguay
Banco Central de la República de Uzbekistán (CBU)

The Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan represents a centralized control system. For the performance of assigned tasks it creates the appropriate services and...

14%  Uzbekistán
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