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Nombre | Edad | Desde | Título |
Sebastien Bollore | 43 | 1997 | Member of the Supervisory Board |
Comtesse de Ribes | - | - | Member of the Supervisory Board |
Celine Merle-Beral | 52 | 2011 | Member of the Supervisory Board |
Hubert Fabri | 69 | 1997 | Independent Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board |
Jean-Philippe Hottinguer | 83 | 2009 | Independent Member of the Supervisory Board |
Stephanie Collinet | 38 | 2021 | Member of the Supervisory Board |
Chantal Bollore | 79 | 2016 | Member of the Supervisory Board |
Cédric de Bailliencourt | 54 | 2014 | CFO & Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board |
Jacqueline De Ribes | 94 | 2014 | Independent Member of the Supervisory Board |
Marie Bollore | 36 | 2014 | Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board |
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