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Nombre | Título | Desde | Hasta |
Carl Pauli | - | 2024 | Ahora |
Vincent Bruyère | - | 2016 | Ahora |
Damien Marichal | - | 2006 | Ahora |
Olivier Hertoghe | - | 1999 | Ahora |
Biografía | Olivier Hertoghe, portfolio manager since 2000, studied Economics at the Leuven University (KUL). Started his career in 1987 at the audit firm KPMG. From 1988 to 1999, was active in the real estate sector working for Anhyp Bank and Banimmo. He specialized in real estate project finance and direct property investments. At Petercam since 2000, responsibilites: co-management of the strategy in European Real Estate. |
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