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Catalyst/millburn Hedge Strategy Fund Class I (MBXIX)

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39.18 +0.29    +0.75%
23/12 - Info retrasada. Valores en USD
Tipo:  Fondo
Mercado:  Estados Unidos
Emisor:  Catalyst Mutual Funds
Clase de activo:  Otros
  • Rating de Morningstar:
  • Total de activos: 7.11B
Catalyst/Millburn Hedge Strategy I 39.18 +0.29 +0.75%

Panorama MBXIX

En esta página encontrará un perfil detallado de Catalyst/millburn Hedge Strategy Fund Class I. Conozca la gestión clave, los activos totales, la estrategia de inversión y la información de contacto de MBXIX, entre otros datos.

Macro Trading

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Información de contacto

Dirección 630-A Fitzwatertown Road, 2nd Floor
Willow Grove,PA 19090
United States
Telefono 1-866-447-4228


Nombre Título Desde Hasta
Michael Soss Portfolio Manager 2024 Ahora
Biografía Michael Soss, Phd. Co-Chief Investment Officer. Dr. Soss is Co-Chief Investment Officer of Millburn and serves as a member of Millburn’s Investment Committee. Dr. Soss joined Millburn in January 2022 and, along with Co-Chief Investment Officer Grant Smith, is responsible for management of the firm’s systematic research and development functions, including system design, modeling, data management and trade execution. Prior to joining Millburn, Dr. Soss was employed by Point72 Asset Management, from March 2015 to January 2021, in leadership roles spanning risk and trading research, and most recently headed the firm’s Fusion group, a quant trading division focused on internal alpha capture. From September 2013 to March 2015 Dr. Soss was an executive director at J.P. Morgan. Dr. Soss’ other experience includes SECOR Asset Management from April 2012 to September 2013, and Goldman Sachs from August 2003 to March 2012. Dr. Soss received an AB in mathematics from Harvard University in 1996, and MSc and PhD degrees in computer science from McGill University in Montreal, Canada, in 1998 and 2001, respectively.
Barry A. Goodman Co-CEO and Executive Director of Trading 2015 Ahora
Biografía Barry Goodman, Co-Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of Trading. Mr. Goodman became Co-Chief Executive Officer of Millburn on November 1, 2015, serves as a member of Millburn’s Investment Committee, and has served as Executive Director of Trading for Millburn and The Millburn Corporation since 1998. Prior to November 1, 2015, he also served as Executive Vice President of Millburn and The Millburn Corporation. Mr. Goodman also plays an integral role in business and product development, and in the strategic direction of the firm as a whole. Mr. Goodman joined Millburn and The Millburn Corporation (including its affiliate, Millburn Partners) in November 1982 as Assistant Director of Trading and most recently thereafter served as Executive Vice President of Millburn and The Millburn Corporation until November 1, 2015. His responsibilities include overseeing the firm’s trading operations and managing its trading relationships, as well as the design and implementation of trading systems. From September 1980 through October 1982, he was a commodity trader at the brokerage firm of E.F. Hutton & Co., Inc. (“E.F. Hutton”). At E.F. Hutton, he also designed and maintained various technical indicators and coordinated research projects pertaining to the futures markets. Mr. Goodman graduated magna cum laude from Harpur College of the State University of New York in 1979 with a B.A. in economics. Mr. Goodman has also served as President and a Director of each entity in Millburn International Group since inception.
Harvey Beker Chairman 2015 Ahora
Biografía Mr. Beker is Chairman of Millburn and Chairman of Millburn’s Investment Committee. Mr. Beker has been employed by Millburn since June 1978.  During his tenure at Millburn, he has been instrumental in the development of the research, trading and operations areas. Mr. Beker became a principal of the firm in 1982.  From June 1975 to July 1977, Mr. Beker was employed by Loeb Rhoades, Inc. where he developed and traded silver arbitrage strategies. From July 1977 to June 1978, he was a futures trader at Clayton Brokerage Co. of St. Louis. Mr. Beker received a B.A. in economics from New York University in 1974 and an M.B.A. in finance from NYU in 1975.
Grant N. Smith Co-Chief Executive Officer 2015 Ahora
Biografía Grant N. Smith, Co-Chief Executive Officer and Director of Research. Mr. Smith became Co-Chief Executive Officer of Millburn on November 1, 2015, serves as a member of Millburn’s Investment Committee, and has served as Director of Research of Millburn and The Millburn Corporation since 1998. Prior to November 1, 2015, he also served as Executive Vice President of Millburn and The Millburn Corporation. He is responsible for the design, testing and implementation of quantitative trading strategies, as well as for planning and overseeing the computerized decision-support systems of the firm. He received a B.S. degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (“MIT”) in 1974 and an M.S. degree from MIT in 1975. While at MIT, he held several teaching and research positions in the computer science field and participated in various projects relating to database management. He joined the predecessor entity to The Millburn Corporation in June 1975, and has been continuously associated with Millburn, The Millburn Corporation and their affiliates since that time. Mr. Smith served as the Executive Vice President of the Millburn Ridgefield Corporation and The Millburn Corporation until November 1, 2015 and as the Director of Research of both entities until May 31, 2016. He has also served as a Director of each entity in Millburn International Group since inception, where he, along with the other Directors of each of those entities, is responsible for its overall management.
George E. Crapple Co-Chief Executive Officer, Co-Chairman 2015 2020
Biografía George E. Crapple, Co-Chairman. Mr. Crapple has been Co-Chairman of Millburn since 1984 and serves as a member of Millburn’s Investment Committee. Until November 1, 2015, Mr. Crapple also served as Co-Chief Executive Officer of Millburn and served as Co-Chairman and Co-Chief Executive Officer at The Millburn Corporation through May 2011. In 1966, he graduated with honors from the University of Wisconsin where his field of concentration was economics and he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. In 1969, he graduated from Harvard Law School, magna cum laude, where he was an editor of the Harvard Law Review. He was a lawyer with the law firm of Sidley & Austin LLP, Chicago, Illinois, from June 1969 until April 1983, as a partner since July 1975, specializing in commodities, securities, corporate and tax law. He was first associated with Millburn in June 1976 and joined Millburn and The Millburn Corporation (including its affiliates, Millburn Partners and CommInVest) on April 1983 on a full-time basis. Mr. Crapple ceased his employment with The Millburn Corporation effective May 2011 and his position as Co-Chief Executive Officer of Millburn as of November 1, 2015. He became a partner in ShareInVest in April 1984. Mr. Crapple is a past Director, Member of the Executive Committee, Chairman of the Appeals Committee and a former Chairman of the Eastern Regional Business Conduct Committee of the National Futures Association, past Chairman of the hedge fund industry group (the Managed Funds Association), a former member of the Global Markets Advisory Committee of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and a former member of the board of directors of the Futures Industry Association. Mr. Crapple has also served as the Co-Chairman of each entity in Millburn International Group since inception.
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