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Nombre | Título | Desde | Hasta |
Ryszard Rusak | - | 2007 | Ahora |
Biografía | Graduate of the Warsaw School of Economics – Management faculty; finance management and financial instruments. Since April 2002 employed in PKO BP S.A. at the post of financial analyst, responsible for company analyses, project and credit risk valuation. Since November 2002 till November 2006 r. employed in SEB TFI S.A. – as investment analyst first, middle 2004 started managing funds and investment portfolios for individuals and institutions Since November 2006 in Union Investment TFI S.A. at the post of Portfolio Manager, * Managing subfunds: UniAkcje Sektory Wzrostu, UniAkcje Małe i Średnie Spółki * Co-managing subfunds: UniStoProcent Plus |
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