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Nombre | Título | Desde | Hasta |
Harri Kojonen | - | 2014 | Ahora |
Jori Petteri Kiviniemi | - | 2014 | 2016 |
Biografía | Jori Petteri Kiviniemi holds a Master’s degree in Economics and Business Administration from University of Oulu. After graduat¬ing in 1997 Mr. Kiviniemi started his career as an economist at the Bank of Finland. After a year he changed over to Finnish Financial Supervision Authority. In 1999 Mr. Kiviniemi joined Leonia Bank’s Asset Management team as an investment banker. He was one of the founding members of Mandatum Private Bank’s asset management and portfolio management operations. In 2004 Mr. Kiviniemi started in 3C Asset Management company where he acted as portfolio man¬ager running 3C Edge hedge fund. After Sampo Bank bought 3C Asset Management in October 2008, he moved into Danske Capital where he continued as portfolio manager. Mr. Kiviniemi was appointed to Chief Investment Officer at Avenir at the beginning of March 2009. |
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