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Nombre | Título | Desde | Hasta |
Kerim Celebi | - | 2021 | Ahora |
Biografía | Kerim Celebi is Portfolio Manager at Brummer Multi-Strategy since October 2021 and is partner of Brummer & Partners. He joined Brummer Multi-Strategy in 2014 as an analyst and was appointed Head of Research in 2017. Kerim has led the development of BMS’s research methods and allocation process, both quantitatively and qualitatively. He is also heading the development of tools for monitoring the risks in the underlying strategies as well as analysing and developing their investment and risk management processes. Furthermore, Kerim heads the talent sourcing process and spends a considerable amount of time analysing new strategies for BMS to potentially invest in. Kerim holds an MSc in Finance from Stockholm School of Economics | ||
Patrik Brummer | - | 2008 | Ahora |
Biografía | Patrik Brummer is founding partner of Brummer & Partners. Brummer Multi-Strategy was launched in 2002, and since then, Patrik has been its Portfolio Manager. Prior to founding Brummer & Partners, Patrik held, from 1973 to 1995, several senior positions at Alfred Berg Fondkommission AB, including Group Chief Executive of the Alfred Berg Group. Patrik is co-owner and chairman of the board of Brummer & Partners AB.” | ||
Mikael Spångberg | - | 2017 | 2021 |
Klaus Jäntti | - | 2008 | 2017 |
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